
Kid x Reader (Soul Eater) Dreams or Reality?

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Chocolatelover124's avatar

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I ran up the stairs of the underground. I saw Kid at the start of another flight of stairs. "Kid!" I yelled, "everyone's looking for you! Where were you?!" He was looking down but when he looked up I couldn't help but shiver. The look in his golden endless eyes. He stood there staring down at me, I felt pathetic all of a sudden, small insignificant.

"You're asymmetrical garbage," he said walking down one step, "No one wants you." I felt like a knife had sliced through me. "Think about it," he continued in a cold hard voice, "all of the people you met, they left you, walked away from you. You're nothing. You're just.."

He took another step as he did he said, "worthless.." He took another step, he was one step in front of me. "Garbage. No one wants you." My eyes widened and I felt my vision growing blurry. He stared at me with cold hard eyes. In there was hatred. Deep dark hatred. To me..

He took his hands out of his pocket and before I knew it I was flying down the flight of starirs. I landed with a painful, "THUD!" My ankle felt as though it was sprained, my head felt like it was bleeding but all of a sudden it was numb.. And I was there on the ground, crying silently. My sobs bounced off the walls, Kid left me soon. I was alone,

Rejection. Loneliness. Those were my biggest fears...

Kid's voice echoed.

"You're nothing."

I immediately sat up panting. Where was I? I thought to myself looking around frantically. It was my dorm. In DMWA. Something moist crawled down my cheek, I rubbed it. Tears. I got up and sat on the desk checking the calendar. It was a Saturday which basically means no school today. I looked at what I had placed beside it.

It was a picture of Soul and Maka grinning, Kid and Liz and Patty doing their hug, Black Star doing a thumbs up whereas Tsubaki was smiling and I was there doing bunny ears, not the most original thing but nevermind that, I got up to get changed into a skirt with leggings and boots along with a jacket seeing that it was pretty cold outside and a shirt.

I heard a knock. "Hey, (y/n)?" I was pretty sure it was Maka. "Yup I'm awake," I said to the door. "Of course, duh," Said a male voice which I was pretty sure it was Soul. "Maka.... CHOP!" I heard a bam and another bam. I couldn't help but sweat drop at that. "We are all planning to go to town to do some shopping and go to the movies, wanna come?" Asked Maka. "Sure," I said excited, I haven't been out with any of them unless you count missions, "who's coming?"

"Well me, Soul," "Duh- OH CRAP! NO NOT THE ENCYCLOPEDIA! NOT THE-" "MAKA CHOP!" "BAM!" "Tsubaki, Black Star, Liz, Patty and Kid." Kid. My dream started to fill my mind and I heard his hard cold voice again. "You're nothing." I paused for a moment. "Actually, I'm not feeling too well.." I said, feeling guilt seeping in. I hated to lie but I was only partially lying, I was sick mentally..

"You want to see Nygus?" Maka asked worried. "We'll come with you," Added Soul. "Nah.." I said, "I think I will just rest for a while, see you guys later though, have fun!" I said trying my best cheerful voice. "Oh ok.." Maka said reluctantly by soon the two left.

I lied on my bed and stuck my headphones on my head. I felt myself drift into a dreamless slumber.

Hours later..
"BAM! BAM!" 

My eyes immediately opened and I sat up. "YO Y/N! ITS THE GREAT BLACK STAR AND TSUBAKI COMING HERE TO SEE YOU!" Yelled a loud voice, "YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL FOR A GOD LIKE ME COMING TO SEE YOU!" Of course, I mentally sweat dropped, who else would say that.

Don't answer that.

I rubbed my eyes and snatched a hairbrush combing my messy hair and opened the door. "Hi," I greeted them, "how was it?" "Great wish you would've been there though," Said Tsubaki, she handed me a box. I accepted it peering at it curiously. "Thanks Tsubaki. What's this?" I asked. She smiled and said, "well we went to this cake shop and-" "You should have been there! The cake there was awesome! Not as awesome as me but you get my drift right, y/n?" Said Black Star.

I laughed, "yup I get it." "And all of us wanted to get you something so Kid suggested a cupcake and bought it. He also slipped something in there, but he won't let us see." Explained Tsubaki. "Oh," I said. This is so ironic, the guy in my nightmare also bought me a cupcake and another unknown object.

"When you open it, tell me what it is ok,y/n?" Asked Black Star. I smiled mysteriously and said mischievously, "We'll see Black Star." "Yes it is!" He said being hyper. "Woah wait Black Star I didn't say-" "Right Tsubaki! We have to go and see Prof.Stein! See ya y/n! Get better!" He then dragged Tsubaki away, I waved at them and Tsubaki mouthed a, "Sorry," "It's ok," I mouthed back. 

I stared at the box, I had the urge to open it up and see what's inside the package. My curiousity is sure irritating. I sighed putting the white square shape box on my desk along with my brush.

Maybe I should go and see Nygus.. I thought to myself. I opened the door and walked up the stairs. "Y/n?" A voice came. At the top of the steps stood Kid.

Exactly like my dream. 

"You feeling any better?" He said stepping down a step. I took a step down and tried my best to not scream for some reason the atmosphere seemed so thick to me and also because of the fact that the dream was starting to jab me with the insults in Kid's voice.

"You're asymmetrical garbage.."

"No one wants you."

"No one wants you...."

"Um kinda, " I said, "I think I'm going to see Nygus.." "Want me to come with you?" He asked looking at me with those gold endless eyes. " thanks..I'm good.." I said taking a step up. "Did you open the box?" He asked turning to me as we were on the step. "Ah no..not yet.." I said softly.

"Think about it, all the people you've met have walked away from you.."

"You're nothing.."

His cold hard voice filled my head. Kid's hand grabbed my arm, "y/n are you ok?!" 

"You're just.."


I took his arm off. "Yeah.." I said softly not looking at him, "I'm going now., see you Kid.." I started to run to the infirmary. 

"Garbage.. No one wants you.."

Tears started to fill my eyes as I ran. "Y/n are you feeling be-" I saw Liz. "Hey Liz, I'm kinda in a hurry now but yup I'm getting kinda better!" I said as I ran past her. "Ah..ok.." Said Liz. "What was that all about?" I heard Patti ask. "No idea.." Said Liz. 

"Liz! Patti! Have you seen y/n??" I heard Kid's voice. Dammit I thought to myself and started to run even faster.

I ran past the infirmary and ran into the science lab and locked the door. I sat inside the space of the benches in the laboratory that had the sinks and Bunsen burners. My I sat down and my knees slunk on my chest. I put my arms around them. 

And started to cry.

"Y/N!" I heard Kid's voice outside, "Unlock the door!!" I kept quiet, not wanting to give out my hiding place. "I know you're in there!" He yelled. I heard bams and the sound of the door clicking. "I'm giving you 5 seconds." He said, "Or I WILL knock down this door!"

"5.." He counted. I stood up and tried to open the window. Locked. Oh great I thought to myself and slunk down. "4..." He continued, his voice getting louder. "3......2......" He said and paused for one moment. "1..." Then there was silence. I chuckled bitterly to myself. He gave up. Just like how people from my past gave up on me. Leaving me just like this.,

"BAM!" I heard the sound of wood breaking, what?! I thought to myself eyes wide I turned to see Kid coming in looking pissed off. "I told you." He said in the same cold hard voice in my dream. I took a few steps back. He took a few steps forward.

"You think you can hide from me?" He asked lowly, "I'm a Shinigami." He said making his way towards me. I had never ever seen this side of Kid and I was terrified, as I kept walking back then a 'Thud.' My back met the wall and Kid had put his hands on each side of the wall where I was, trapping me.

Crap, I cursed to myself. I hardly ever curse but now seems like a good time. His gold endless eyes reminded me of something from my dream. 

"Why are you avoiding me.." He said softly, his gaze fixed on me. I turned away and whispered, "I have no idea what you're talking about..." I felt his hand cup my cheek and gently turned my face to him. "Look at me in the eyes.." He said, his gaze on mine, "and say that one more time,,"

"I.." I started but it was hard to. So this was one of the easiest ways to see if someone's lying. Trap them in a wall, tell them to look at you in the eye and say to say it one more time.

I will keep that in mind.

"Y/n.." He said to me leaning closer, "tell me what's wrong.." Kid leaned in even closer. I could feel his breath.

"I can't,," I said softly, "you're going to leave me.." "I won't.." He said tucking a loose strand of my (h/c) behind my ear. "You won't want to be my friend with me anymore.." I said staring at him. What was the breaking feeling in my chest.

"I won't.." He said sincerely, "I promise..please..tell me what's wrong.." I looked at his eyes searching for any lies. However inside was pain and truth.

"I dreamt about you.." I admitted, "I was at this staircase underground, looking for you.." He nodded, "Go on.." "And you were the top of the staircase..and said some things to me..and pushed me down.." I whispered looking down.

"What did I say?" He asked one of his hands finding mine and our fingers intertwined. "You said.." I started, "That I was asymmetrical garbage,,,I was nothing...everyone I've met left me..and no one wants me.." I tried to take my hand from his but his grip was tight.

"The funny thing.." I said smiling bitterly, "You were right.. No one wants me..people I've met in the past left me..I'm nothing..I'm just an insignificant soul living for the sake of living,,.." He stared at me and leaned in even closer if that was possible.

"I would never say anything like that..or do anything like that to you, y/n.." He said, "you're something no..more than something..everyone wants you..we won't leave you.." He moved his head further back so I can see his earnest expression. "I won't leave you.." He whispered.

"Please..Kid.." I said softly, "don't pity me.." My voice got louder, "Don't pity me! I can't take it!" I tried pulling my hand away from his but his grip was firm. "I'm not pitying you..I truly won't leave you.. None of us will leave you.." He said leaning in.

"And here's the proof.." He whispered leaning in really close. "What-" but I was cut off. He was kissing me. His lips pressed against mine. Death the Kid was kissing me. 

His other hand wrapped around my waist. Our hands were still in their grips. "Inside that box,,was a letter..and a necklace.." He said when we parted. My eyes widened. "What.." I said staring at him. 

"I love you." He said, his grip on my hand tightened, "y/n will you-" "OHOHOHOHO! KID LIKES Y/N!" We heard an incredibly familiar voice. We turned to see Black Star. Holding an opened package in his hands and a note on the other. "Sorry y/n! Kid! I couldn't stop him!" Said Tsubaki helplessly. Maka and Soul just gave us a thumbs up.

"BLACK STAR YOU IDIOT!" Yelled Kid, "THAT WAS FOR (Y/N)!!" "Well it was about time you did it,," Said Liz with Patty beside her. "Yay! Kid and y/n are together!!" Cheered Patty. "I haven't even asked her yet!" Said Kid blushing.I laughed.

"Well then Kid.." I said smiling, "consider the feeling mutual." He grinned at me. "YAHOOO!" Yelled Black Star! "KID AND Y/N SITTING ON A TREE. K-I-S-S-"


I laughed. "Well,," said Soul taking a camera out of his pocket. "Time for another picture, don't you guys think?" "This is yours," Said Liz, taking the necklace from Black Star.

She placed it on my palm. It was a twisted silver shaped into a butterfly, three rubies embedded on one side of the twisted silver hanging on a delicate chain.

"Wow Kid." I said amazed, "you really didn't have to do that..but thank you.." "You're welcome,y/n.." He said, "But ITS NOT SYMMETRICAL!!" He was back to a depression stance.

We all laughed and Liz and Patty and I tried cheering him up.

Now the picture on my desk is one with Tsubaki trying to stop Black Star from jumping too high, who was grinning from ear to ear, Soul and Maka with Soul's arm around her shoulder. Liz and Patty grinning with Patty holding an origami of a giraffe (yeah none of us had no idea how she did it, not even Patty) and Kid with me.

I smiled. And went off to sleep, this time with a smile on my face when I woke up the next day..

Wow.. O_O that sure was long.. Kid may be OOC in this..and there's a lot of fluff. This is my first time doing a one shot for Spul eater so sorry of its bad and I got the personalities wrong. And mistakes. Enjoy even so
© 2014 - 2024 Chocolatelover124
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KatGirlDC's avatar
Okay. So it's so sweet and then Black Star came and I started bursting out into laughter XD